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QQ: 735651019、694232042、1187420403、690065280

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Horn 产品型号

Horn Horn 1407743

Horn Horn 304393 Spec: HTO 160C Permanent Antistatic and Anti paint Staining imension: 1000mm x 500m (30μm 1 ROL = 7,25 KG

Horn Horn 304393 Spec: HTO 160C Permanent Antistatic and Anti paint Staining imension: 1000mm x 500m (30μm 1 ROL = 7,25 KG2

Horn Horn EAD 181*143 S4-61 002 FOC

Horn Horn EAD 181X143 S4-61 002FOC

Horn Horn EAD181x143 S4-61 002 F0C

Horn Horn FGL00156

Horn Horn FGL00167 Exi

Horn Horn FGL00167请查完整型号是否为FGL00167Ex i

Horn Horn FGL0016供货商识别的型号FGL00161 Ex i

Horn Horn HTO5TT30 1.6 m x 1500 m continuous sheeting (half tube folded 800mm) 1 ROL = 68,5 KG

Horn Horn HTZ 321809 6.5m x 4.4m per cover 25 pieces /roll

Horn Horn Sl173, Kl791 已经被EA96x96.2 s S21 DW替代